Helping food producers overcome challenges, one course at a time.
in AsureQuality Training
As New Zealand’s largest and most established provider of food quality assurance, AsureQuality is perfectly placed to deliver expert training for businesses navigating the fast moving food industry and its associated food safety requirements. We hold a Category 1 Private Training Establishment (PTE) with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority(external link) (NZQA), and deliver high quality training services from Invercargill to Kaitaia.
Approximately 600 industry training courses are offered each year, with more than 5000 people receiving training and taking those skills back into the food industry – from primary production and food manufacturing right through to retail and export.
With course topics covering the entire food supply chain, the most popular courses of the moment are the Introductory and Advanced Auditing courses(external link) , along with Introductory and Advanced Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) courses(external link) . The newest courses on offer cover the hot topics of Food Fraud(external link) (e.g. bush honey masquerading as mānuka) and Food Defence(external link) (e.g. needles in your strawberries) which have been developed to meet demand from the industry.
According to Jonathon Pettigrew, Business Manager Training, at the AsureQuality Academy, some of the main challenges for food producers and manufacturers are around meeting compliance requirements, responding to consumer demands, and employing and retaining staff with the necessary skill sets: “AsureQuality can help businesses meet all of those challenges through providing the right, targeted training.” There are also increasing challenges for New Zealand’s agricultural and primary sector across areas like environmental sustainability, food traceability, nutritional expectations and animal welfare. “We have the expertise to translate these challenges into courses that equip our customers with the knowledge and skills they need to turn these into opportunities,” says Jonathon.
“Our goal is to deliver high-quality training. Ultimately your people are your most valuable resource. At the Academy we send people back into the industry with the necessary skills to meet their regulatory requirements, thrive in their chosen career and add more value to their employers.”